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Term of Office:


Bus. & Pecuniary Interests

Appointed By:


Simon Hurrell

 2/2/23 - 1/2/27

HT Pay and Performance Committee

Spouse - Director of BHVA Limited (provide after school activities and support in school)

Parent of two children attending the school

 Peterborough Diocese and Governing Board Appointed

Chair of Governing Body

Foundation Governor

Helen Cracknell 14/7/23 - 13/7/27

HT Pay and Performance Committee


Governor at St.Mary's Primary School, Burton Latimer

Spouse- PDET Director; DBE Member; GA Primary Geography Consultant;

Peterborough Diocese and Governing Board Appointed

Vice-Chair of Governing Body

Foundation Governor

Richard Albert 

Ex-Officio   Headteacher   Headteacher

Steve Atkins

14/9/22 - 13/9/26



Director of NET Peterborough Diocese and Governing Board Appointed

Foundation Governor

Lindsey Atkins

31/3/23 - 30/3/26


Director of BHVA Limited (provide after school activities and support in school).

Parent of one child previously attending the school.

Local Authority

Local Authority Governor

Michelle Mapurazi 11/10/23 - 9/10/27  SIAMS Parent of child attending the school. Peterborough Diocese and Governing Board Appointed

Foundation Governor

Raj Kapur

 2/7/21 - 1/7/25


Children's Social Worker - Milton Keynes City Council.

Parent of two children attending the school.

Parent Elected

Parent Governor

Safeguarding Governor

Kate Exall

15/7/23 - 14/7/27


Law Lecturer at University of Northampton.

Peterborough Diocese and Governing Board Appointed

Foundation Governor

Karen Woollard

9/11/23 - 8/11/27   Teaching Assistant in the school.

Staff Elected

 Staff Governor
Jason Elsom 29/9/23 - 28/9/26  

Chief Executive - Parentkind (national membership body for PTAs).

Trustee - Caudwell Youth (charity supporting young people).

Parent of two children attending the school.

Parent Elected Parent Governor
Alison Coe 01/09/24 - 01/09/28  SIAMS    Peterborough Diocese and Governing Board Appointed

Foundation Governor