We expect all children at Hayfield Cross to wear school uniform. This gives the children a sense of belonging and pride in their school. Our uniform, like our school, is unique and our children are proud to represent their school wherever they go.
Our school uniform is supplied by KarlSports and can all be purchased online or in store at the below address:

Opening Times:
Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm
Sat: 9am-3pm
Phone: 01536 601731
Parents are welcome to choose to purchase non-branded uniform (without the school logo) from other outlets which may be more cost effective but must ensure they are in the designated school colours. Our parents association (TOPs) also hold a selection of pre-loved uniform available.
The Hayfield Cross Church of England School uniform
Reception and Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2)
- Navy blue crew neck sweatshirt or cardigan
- School orange polo shirt
Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6)
- White shirt and school tie
- Navy blue v-neck sweatshirt or cardigan
All children to wear
- Charcoal (dark grey) or black trousers, school skirt* or pinafore (*please make sure skirts are an appropriate length for school)
- Girls may wear blue or orange gingham summer dresses in the summer (without a tie in KS2)
- Black school shoes. Our preference is for polishable-style shoes but all-black (including the soles) shoe-style trainers are permissible. Open toe shoes or sandals are not permitted for safety reasons.
- They will also need a school book bag (children do not need to bring a large bag or backpack).
PE Kit
- Navy blue polo shirt
- Black PE shorts
- Plimsolls for indoor PE (if no plimsolls will do indoor PE in bare feet)
- Navy or black plain jersey style tracksuit trousers and trainers (for outdoor sports).
- An optional orange hooded sweatshirt is also available for outdoor PE or a plain navy top can be worn instead.
*Please note that children with long hair must tie this up for PE (and other subjects if needed) for safety.
Children should come into school wearing their PE Kit on PE Days. You can find out what day your child is doing PE by visiting this link.
Also available are additional school branded kit such as bags, coats and hats which parents may choose to purchase.
Please make sure all clothing is clearly named!
(Please be aware that any un-named clothing will be disposed of at the end of each week for hygiene reasons).
Jewellery and Presentation
- Children are only permitted to wear single stud earings that they must be able to remove for PE. Please ensure that piercings are only done at the start of the summer holidays so that the children can remove them when we are at school. We cannot put tape on childrens ears or excuse them from PE.
- Necklaces should not be worn for health and safety reasons.
- Children may wear a watch but smart watches and 'fit-bit' style devices are not allowed.
- Hairstyles and colour should be sensible and appropriate for school.
- Make up is at parents discretion but should be natural and appropriate for school. Coloured nail varnish is permitted. Children are not however allowed to have or apply any make up in school.