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Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing

Mental Health Support Team

Mental Health Support Teams (MHST) have been created to offer early intervention, low intensity, mental health support within schools for children and young people with mild to moderate mental health difficulties. The MHST will also support the Mental Health Lead in each education setting to introduce and develop their Whole School Approach. The MHST will also offer support and advice to education setting staff to identify the most appropriate services for their need and help liaise with other appropriate services.Mental health lead logo v2Hayfield Cross has signed up to work with MHST, and will be taking referrals via Ms Stolz and Mrs Jones, the Mental Health Leads in School, with whom you should discuss any concerns you may have about the emotional health of your child/young person/the children and young people you work with.


My Happy Mind


We introduced myHappymind, a science-backed programme for schools, during the 2023/24 academic year to help our children learn the tools to support positive wellbeing.  MyHappymind provides an emotional wellbeing curriculum for every year group from reception to Year 6, as well as a staff wellbeing programme and a parent app.

Each year group completes 5 modules:

  • Meet Your Brain
  • Celebrate    
  • Appreciate     
  • Relate    
  • Engage

The parent app has resources which can be accessed online on your computer, or through an app on your phone. The Parent App will support you as a parent in understanding what your child is learning, activities for you to do together at home, and also a Kids Zone featuring myHappymind Games plus much more!  To access these materials just go to to create your free account. You will need to enter your name, email, and authentication code (whihc is 142113).

Alternatively, you can simply scan this QR code to sign up:




Zones of Regulation

Zones of Regulation is a programme using a cognitive behavioural approach to teach self-regulation strategies through categorising all the different ways we feel into four clear and concrete-coloured zones.


After a successful launch in January 2025, we are focusing on embedding it across the school as part of our ongoing plan to support the emotional well-being of all members of our school community.



Happiness Heroes

 Coming soon.