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Eco Warriors Committee


Our Eco-Warriors are amazing examples of courageous advocates.  They are looking to make a positive impact on the enviornment around or school and meet weekly to discuss their thoughts and projects.  Mrs Hitchcock, who worked alongside our Eco-warriors asked them a few questions to find out why they felt so passionately about making positive changes to their school community.

What made you want to be part of our Eco-Club?

"I want to look after the world and be involved in doing things that help."

"I love to be outside and it's a good opportunity for me."

"I love the enviornment and want to do everything I can to protect it.  I already did some things like trying to save Weekley Hall Wood."

"I care about the environment and want our school to be more eco-friendly."

What is your favourite thing to do with Eco-Club?

"I like studying the trees and following the changes they go through during the year."

"I love planting, weeding and watering."

"It's interesting to keep track of the bees and it's interesting to see how they lay eggs and how they then protect them."


What does Eco-Club mean to you?

"It's great to help the planet whilst learning new things."

"It means that I love our world and being kind.  This always makes me smile."

"Eco-Club means a lot to me. We do lots of fun things that help the Earth and keeping track of the bees is helping scientists." 

"Helping to make a greener planet."

What would you like to do with Eco-Club in the future?

"I'd love to plant an orchard at our school."

"Plant trees at Wicksteed"

"More trips out!  Possibly to Rushden Lakes or Twywell Hills & Dales. Perhaps some pond di[[omh/"

"More trips!"


Our Bee Barn

If you want to find out more about their latest project, the Been Barn, click on the image below to read their blog!