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School Performance

OFSTED Inspection Reports

Our most recent inspection by OFSTED was in February 2024.  We were very proud when the Inspector determined that we continue to be a 'Good' school with, once again, many positive features highlighted in the inspection report. Highlights include:

  • The inspector finding that our children are taught  with “…enthusiasm and skill.” and through an “…ambitious curriculum.”
  • Reading being found as a key priority in school and that “Most pupils enjoy reading.”
  • The Inspector discovering our children are confident mathematicians and appreciate the value of Mathematics.
  • Reference to “Children in EYFS learn in a caring and exciting environment.”
  • The Inspector learning that our children “…feel safe and happy.”
  • Children with SEND not only access all activities but also “…achieve well in line with their peers.”
  • That the Inspector saw that ‘…pupils enjoy positive relationships with adults.” and that they are “…friendly and courteous.”
  • That our staff told the Inspector that they’re proud to work in our school.
  • That you, the parents, have ‘…full confidence in the school’.

You can read this and our previous inspection report from July 2018 in the sidebar on the right.


SIAMS Inspection

In 2018 we also had our first Church SIAMs inspection, where we were also graded as a Good school.  This report and more details can be found via the Church School Tab on the menu bar.

Parents are also able to provide their feedback to Ofsted about Hayfield Cross. Please use this Ofsted Parent View weblink.


Performance Data and Performance Tables

Our school has grown with our children and this meant that our first Year 6 cohort was in the academic year of 2019/20.  Unfortunately, this year also saw the global Covid-19 pandemic. One impact of the pandemic was the amount of in-school education missed by children (around the world) and, as a result, statutory assessments were paused.  As we become used to a post-pandemic world, some of these assessments have returned.  Please find our latest performance data in the side-bar on the right.

You can compare our performance to that of other schools using the 'School Performance Tables' at