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Spiritual Ambassadors

Spiritual Ambassadors at Hayfield Cross

Every academic year, pupils in Key Stage 2 are invited to put themselves forward to serve on the Hayfield Cross Spiritual Ambassador team. Pupils are then elected to serve for the whole year.


Our mission is to:

  • Find ways to develop our school’s Christian character.
  • Support the development of Spiritual life at Hayfield Cross.
  • Act as role-models by demonstrating the school vision and ‘Being Brave’.
  • Support our school as we learn and live out our values of Joy, Fellowship and Integrity.
  • Take responsibility for our Chapel, Hub reflection area and displays.
  • Assist the Collective Worship leader by setting up the school hall for Collective Worship every morning.
  • Lead worship with drama, prayers, Biblical stories, music and singing.
  • Help the school to evaluate the impact of Collective Worship

In 2024-2025 we aim to:

  • Have regular meetings to discuss Worship Matters and plan next steps for the Ambassador Team.
  • Plan and lead at least one Collective Worship per term.
  • Plan and lead Bible story-telling sessions in both Reception classes.
  • Support worship at key events of the year – Christmas, Easter and end of school year – and liaise with visiting clergy.
  • Create a guidance leaflet for staff and visitors who lead Collective Worship.
  • Support the children in our school with their understanding of Spirituality.
  • Take part in the NATRE ‘Spirited Arts’ competition.
  • Update the RE and Collective Worship display boards.
  • Support external visitors in leading Prayer Club

Here are our spiritual ambassadors in action, discussing our school vision and how it links with the story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho.  The worship started with all children joining in the singing of the unique Hayfield Cross 'Fellowship' song. 


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 Below, you can see our ambassador team sharing bible stories with the school in their classrooms.

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National Younger Leadership Group

The Spiritual Ambassadors from Years 4 and 5 took part in the NYLG project, a year-long programme that inspires and empowers pupils to be catalysts for positive change within their schools, communities, and churches.

They regularly meet online with pupils from other primary schools. This helped them to grow in faith and discuss topics that are important to them and our local community.
